Luciana Barroso
Research Interests:
Dr. Barroso’s research interests include structural control, linear and nonlinear dynamics of structures, earthquake engineering, finite element modeling, probabilistic hazard analysis, and structural health monitoring.

Kelly Brumbellow
Research Interests:
Dr. Brumbellow’s research interests include water resources planning and management, agricultural water resources systems, decision support systems, climate variability and climate change effects, and assessment of water resources policy.

Anthony Cahill
Research Interests:
Dr. Cahill’s research interests include hydrometeorology, land atmosphere interactions, atmospheric boundary layer, and remote sensing, hydrology, and stochastic hydrology.

David Ford
Research Interests:
Dr. Ford’s research interests include sustainability in built infrastructure, managerial real options, construction as a product development process, project management process design, and system dynamics.

Richard Hutchinson
Research Interests:

Zenon Medina-Cetina
Research Interests:
Dr. Medina-Cetina’s research interests include stochastic geomechanics, stochastic processes, risk reliability, and sensibility analysis, uncertainty identification, inverse problems, photomechanics, geostatistics, and integrated site characterization.

Ali Mostafavi
Research Interests:
Dr. Mostafavi’s research interests include urban resilience, urban computing, disaster informatics, and applied artificial intelligence.

John Walewski
Research Interests:
Dr. Walewski’s research interests include risk management, international construction risk assessment, alternative project delivery methods, sustainable design and construction techniques, building information modeling for sustainability, and ecological ramifications of resource use.