Since its inception in 2013, the Institute for Engineering Education & Innovation has supported students and faculty to conduct and publish their engineering education research. We provide guidance and support for grant proposal writing and serve as an internal evaluator. Additionally, we fund publications in engineering education journals and conferences, membership to professional and academic organizations, and have a community of practice that explores the latest trends in the field.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Current Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation research projects and collaborations
National Science Foundation – Research in the Formation of Engineers (NSF-RFE) (#1917359)
Title: Collaborative Research: Research in Improving Computational thinking in the Formation of Engineers – A Multi-Institutional Initiative
Period: Sep. 2019 – Aug. 2022 (Est.)
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. Mendoza-Diaz, N. V.
Co-Principal Investigators (co-PI): Dr. Moore, J., Dr. Ogilvie, A., and Dr. Weichold, M. (Co-PI)
External Evaluator: Dr. So Yoon Yoon
NSF I-Corps Sites-Type I (#1644743)
Title: Texas A&M University I-Corps Site (TAMU-iSite)
Period: Feb. 2018 –Jan. 2022 (Est.)
Principal Investigator (PI): Ms. Lagoudas, M.
Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI): Mr. Boehm, R.
External Evaluator: Dr. So Yoon Yoon
National Science Foundation – Research Experiences for Undergraduates site (NSF – REU) site (#1560424)
Title: “Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunities for Undergraduates” (AERO-U)
Period: May 15, 2016-Aug 31, 2019
Principal investigator: Dr. Jacques Richard
Co-principal investigator: Dr. James Boyd
External evaluator: Dr. So Yoon Yoon
National Science Foundation – Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (NSF-RIEF) (#1640521)
Title: “Exploring Enculturation of Engineering Students in the First-Year Engineering Program”
Period: Sept. 1, 2016-Aug. 31, 2019
Principal investigator: Dr. Noemi Mendoza Diaz
Co-principal investigators: Dr. Jacque Richard, Dr. Tanya Wickliff, and Dr. So Yoon Yoon
Evaluation of the Foundation Coalition Project
Title: “Longitudinal effects of the Foundation Coalition curriculum on chemical and petroleum engineering student performance”
Period: fall 2016-present
Personnel: Dr. So Yoon Yoon, Dr. Mark T. Holtzapple
Active Learning in Engineering Program (ALEP)
Project Team: Distance Learning, Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Instructional Technology Services (ITS), Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation
Period: Fall 2017 – present
Research team: Samantha Shields, Dr. Sunay Palsole, Dr. Karan Watson, Jeff Kurtz