Jean-Francois Chamberland-Tremblay
Research Interests:
Dr. Jean-Francois Chamberland conducts research in information theory, statistical signal processing, probability, and in their applications to communication and control systems. His current research focuses on statistical problems in the context of wireless communications, networks, autonomous vehicles, and learning.

Stavros Kalafatis
Research Interests:
Dr. Kalafatis’ research interests include natural langauage processing integration into AR and VR, AR and VR research in training optimization and safety improvement for human robot interface, and robotic application to manufacturing environments.

Krishna Narayanan
Research Interests:
Dr. Narayanan teaches and conducts research in the areas of information theory, coding theory, data science, signal processing and machine learning. He is particularly interested in applications to wireless communications and data storage.

Roozbeh Jafari
Research Interests:
Dr. Roozbeh Jafari’s research interest lies in the area of wearable computer design and signal processing. He has raised more than $86 million for research, with $23 million directed toward his lab.

Jim Ji
Research Interests:
Dr. Ji’s research interests include constrained imaging using mathematical modeling, reconstructed algorithms in parallel imaging, cardiac imaging and cancer imaging, and image registration, segmentation and analysis.

Karan Watson
Research Interests:
Dr. Nancy Currie-Gregg’s research interests are in spacecraft occupant protection, aerospace human systems integration, human-robot interaction, quantitative risk analysis and systems safety engineering. She teaches courses in human factors engineering and ergonomics, systems engineering, quantitative risk analysis and reliability engineering, and systems safety engineering.

Mark H. Weichold
Research Interests:
Dr. Weichold’s research interests are centered around solid state device physics and fabrication.