Dr. Clint Patterson, CTE Instructional Consultant, Texas A&M University
Dr. Clint Patterson presented “Models for student-centered graduate education: Fresh frameworks for mentoring and interdisciplinary experiences” at the Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation’s (IEEI) Distinguished Speaker Series on February 21st and 28th from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
During the first week he explored fresh models for student-centered graduate education. Despite long-standing issues challenges to graduate education and gaps that have perpetuated over time, Patterson discussed a few models of graduate education that attempt to address these issues, particularly the flexible and more personalized training necessary for scholars to be able to enter a variety of careers.
The second week of his talk “Continuing the discussion: Mentorship development at Texas A&M University” dealt with him reviewing the transformative doctoral educational model (TDEM) and the Graduate Education Model (GEM) in detail. He also described the implementation efforts and initial findings, and then discussed the lessons learned. Along with his Texas A&M University colleagues, Patterson co-developed the Transformative Doctoral Education Model (TDEM) and Graduate Education Model (GEM).
This talk presented some exciting possibilities, and also some challenges, as he explored and discussed models for student-centered graduate education, in a way that is inclusive for all students.
As a CTE Instructional Consultant, Dr. Clint Patterson currently works primarily with mentorship initiatives, inclusive teaching, and interdisciplinary research collaborations. He is a Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) Entering Mentoring trained facilitator and International Science of Team Science (INSciTS) early career colloquium participant.